Five festive ideas for Your Baby’s first birthday

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Love sleep Play: Play & Discovery

Five festive ideas for Your Baby’s first Birthday

By Jane McGoldrick for love sleep Play

Your baby’s first year is filled with so lots of firsts: first smile, first time sitting up, first bite of baby food … and to top it off, her very first birthday! No doubt you’ll want to throw a party to celebrate, but parties only last a few hours. try these ideas to mark this crucial milestone in a way that will last.

1. plant a tree

Like your baby, a tree will grow with each passing year, putting down roots and branching out into the world. over the years — and absolutely on each birthday — you can take photos of your child by her special tree. Not only is this a terrific way to record your little one’s life, but as she gets older, it will show her about the crucial connection we all have to the earth and environment.

2. Make a first-year quilt

Few things are cuter than baby clothes. but babies grow so fast that often it seems your little one has barely worn an outfit before she’s outgrown it. A first-year quilt is a charming way to save a piece of that charming newborn onesie you can’t bear to part with or the red jammies with the dinosaur face that always makes your baby laugh. and don’t forget those first-year linens: blankets, sheets, and towels bearing irresistibly cute baby motifs. Assemble all the items, cut them into squares, and turn them into a quilt that you can appreciate for years to come — and eventually give to your child when she gets older.

3. record your baby’s story

Select your favorite photos from the past 12 months to go into your baby’s very own storybook. put them in a scrapbook and write a tale highlighting the special moments and baby development milestones from your baby’s first year. Not a writer? put the photos in a slideshow and add your little one’s favorite tunes as the soundtrack. reading your baby’s story or enjoying the slideshow together will be a beloved ritual in years to come, reminding him how special he is and how much you love him.

4. Make a footprint in time

Use a casting kit to make an impression of your child’s foot or hand. put the impression in a double frame with the cast on one side and a portrait from his first birthday on the other. As your child grows, you’ll both look upon the tiny cast and marvel at how little he once was.

5. create a time capsule

Collect items that capture the essence of your baby’s first year: a photo of your home, a swatch from his favorite blanket, the rattle he adored, a recording of his favorite song, and so on. then seal them in a box to open on his 18th birthday. It’s something you’ll both cherish for the rest of your lives. 

About Our Founder

Cascia Talbert is a busy blogger,  and mother of five children, living in Spokane, WA. S B.A. in history and law and a passion for writing and staying healthy, she started The healthy mommies Magazine in 2007. The healthy mommies magazine is currently ranked the top health blog for moms. Ms. Talbert believes that if mothers are well educated on health issues and how to stay healthy, they can pass that information down to their children and reverse the childhood obesity statistics in the U.S.

Ms. Talbert  runs the Healthy mommies Social Network on Ning, is the founder of Healthy mommies Media, and also blogs at You can follow her on, and

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